Monday, October 31

Technical Difficulties

So I was playing Civ V the other day, and suddenly, I had the oddest feeling I was about to crash.....

Turns out, my fears were unfounded and the game never crashed, but I did have errors like that wherever the clouds were for the rest of the game, but once I revealed the whole map the problem was largely avoidable.

Clouds are too much for my computer to handle, apparently.

Saturday, October 8

Happy Autumn!

Squid and I have been slowly enjoying bits of the new Lotro expansion, Rise of Isengard. To celebrate Autumn and it's none-too-early arrival, Squid came up with a rather festive outfit and attempted to share her happiness with a new-found, errr, friend at the Dunlending city of Galtrev. It didn't go so well.

Squid and her new half-orc friend-thing.
More posts on the loremaster's adventures through Isengard to come!

 .... not that any of you out there in the great big Interwebs actually reads this.