Thursday, January 10

Two Things

  So far, two things have happened in the Morel household. Aegon has died, this time of old age and completely naturally, in his sleep at the ripe age of 95 days. Mojo did not plead for him to stay this time, although you can see from the plumbob in the screenshot that he was witness to the death, if rather out of sight behind the desk. Aegon's wife Jodie, who had been separated from him for a while, had moved back into the house now that Virgil's other five siblings are grown and on their own, and she and Virgil watched Aegon leave. I am trying to remember how many sims have died in this room, in that bed, passing in their sleep. At least three, now, with Aegon. I should probably redecorate or something. Maybe it's the wallpaper that's killing them.

 Virgil mourned his passing after a quiet graveside funeral. It is still the depths of winter, and the snow was so deep it came up to the seats of the park benches. I had the Morels buy the cemetery when they first came into their vast wealth, and since then I have rearranged it a bit so that they have a private, fenced area, shaded by oaks in the summer and lit by lamplight in the winter, where all the ancestors and forebears of the family are interred. So far I haven't put any siblings in plots, but only because they usually end up moving out before they die, and it's impossible to procure ashes off another lot.

Jodie, Aegon's widow, has been a bit senile lately and has taken to wandering about in the snow. Then, rather unexpectedly, this happened:

I've no idea where Jodie is, or how long she will be gone. But for now, the Others have her.

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