Saturday, October 5

The Wibbly Wobbly Doldrums

I'm finding this time to be a bit .... slow. There's not much in the way of new games, unless I've just fallen out of the loop. I'm sitting here waiting for Starbound, maybe Wildstar.  I dont know. I've tried Rift, I don't know how I feel about it. I could try more console stuff, I guess. I feel so behind in all the releases, recent or otherwise. I've never finished Bioshock, or Red Dead Redemption, or even that last Prince of Persia game, whatever it was called.

Have I fallen out of gaming?  For several years it seemed to be all I cared about. Now that I'm about to jump headfirst into writing again, I don't know.

Is this what growing up feels like? I hope not. I know plenty of people who still game well into their forties - heh, even my mother, in her fifties, games a bit. Does that make them losers? People who found a hobby they still manage to derive satisfaction from after all these years? The cool people?

So what am I? Where do I fall? Am I destined to be one of those stodgy, 'mature' adults?

I suppose I'm  a bit young to be having a mid-life crisis. Or else too old to be wondering what I'll do when I 'grow up.'

 Also, this is the last time I type a post on a tablet. Erg, hate touch keyboards.

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