So now Desmond is posing as Ezio, and I find myself loving Italy. Well, not so much Italy, because of all the Italians (who I have nothing against, but when you are trying to escape from the guards they tend to get in your way and clog the streets and whatnot), but mainly, I noticed as I was playing this morning, that I am loving the game simply for the location -
As I was clambering about within the Duomo in Firenze, I realized that I was smiling. Why? Because with the light streaming in through the windows in lovely golden hues while dust motes floated down about my agile hero as I guided him along the scaffoldings and beams and chandeliers of the church, I couldn't help but compare it to the first platforming game I ever played: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Now, games have come a very long way as far technically since that game, but technology is not my focus. I love it when a game makes you stop, just look, and realize you are holding your breath because of how beautiful it is.
Granted, the Duomo was the first time ACII has made me do this, but my point is that this happens very rarely for me. Only a handful of games, that I can think of, have made me stop at some point or another and just look.
The video above is from ACII, the location to which I was referring earlier, while the image below is from Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
Maybe Ubisoft is just good at getting us to stop and look, because another series of games (a series this time, mind you, not just one game IN a series) that takes my breath away is the Myst series:
A few games I am looking foward to playing are Uncharted1 & 2 and Red Dead Redemption. I have watched Cody, my husband, play Uncharted 1, and it was gorgeous, but the second one is rumoured to be even more gorgeous -
Also, who doesn't love cowboys???
What about you? What games have made you stop and just go "oh!"?
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