Wednesday, May 26
Tuesday, May 25
The Watcher
I ran it. And beat it. And won the rolls for uberloot. Twice. But I gave the token away. That turned some heads. And then I ran the turtle and got this trophy for my house. Pretty sweet, huh?
Actually it was kind of funny hearing the pin drop when I said I would pass on the watcher token. I mean, it's just a game, right? And I have the Mirkwood rad gear, so what is the point? I've already sold half my Moria gear anyways.
But, I have finished all my deeds for the watcher in one run, so if I so choose I never have to go back in there on Indy again. This opened up my meta deed for the moria goat, yay! I am getting closer every day... to what I'm not quite sure though.
Actually it was kind of funny hearing the pin drop when I said I would pass on the watcher token. I mean, it's just a game, right? And I have the Mirkwood rad gear, so what is the point? I've already sold half my Moria gear anyways.
But, I have finished all my deeds for the watcher in one run, so if I so choose I never have to go back in there on Indy again. This opened up my meta deed for the moria goat, yay! I am getting closer every day... to what I'm not quite sure though.
Saturday, May 22
Vault Day
Inevitably, at least once a week, I have to devote a good two, if not three hours, just to managing the bank space between my nine characters. Usually, it feels something like this:
(image courtesy of You should check them out sometime.)
(image courtesy of You should check them out sometime.)
Wednesday, May 19
Is that lore-appropriate?
Last night, I found the only tanning bed in all of Middle-earth.
Of course, I forgot to bring my swimsuit. Figures.
Of course, I forgot to bring my swimsuit. Figures.
Sunday, May 16
Finally! Sword Halls pulls through for me!
WARNING: Wall of Text ahead. If you don't actually play the game this could be pretty boring.
I got the cloak from Sword Halls in Mirkwood that I've been dying to get!!
Sword Halls is a three-person instance in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. You run in, activate the instance by moving close enough to the nazgul and his fell beast to get him to start talking to you, and then you wait for the first boss to come out at you. Well, the first boss doesn't come immediately. Instead, you have to fight two waves each consisting of three cronies similar in makeup to the boss you're going to soon face. The first boss, the fire boss Urchon or some such name, is actually the hardest one to beat. He has a fire attack that snakes across the floor every once in a while, and in all the times we've run it we've only managed to interrrupt it once to prevent him from getting it off. If you have a good healer or plenty of wound pots you don't have to worry about it and can just stand there and get burned, but if you're like me, most of the time you don't have many pots or a healer worth their salt, so you're reduced to running about and firing off a quickshot when you can. Once he hits 20k you can as a hunter go Burn Hot/ Strength stance (assuming your tank has a good hold on him) and really burn him down the rest of the way in a hurry. Regaining power afterwards shouldn't be an issue if you burn him down fast enough, there should be a nice gap before the next set of people come in.
The next two waves are going to be varying types of morrovail, relatively simple and brain-free to beat. Then comes the boss, a morrovail named Carcheron or something. I'm not good with names. For some reason, no matter what group I run with, she always runs straight for me as soon as she comes in the room, whether I shoot her or not. Ah well. I just try and take her as a lesson in letting the tank gather aggro a bit before laying into her. The only thing to really watch out for with her is she has a selfheal every once in a while you need to try and interrupt, but usually a guard can handle this no problem, even if they aren't traited for quick interrupts.
The last set are a bunch of orcs. These will go down alot faster if you can fear/mezz/stun the one that will be standing in the back, esp. when the other two orcs start looking at him and chanting something in their orcish way. If he is feared out, they will keep going with their induction anyways, essentially giving you three orcs just standing there for you to wail on without them even touching you. The boss attached to them is a big Gerthyrg troll. He is also fairly simple, if a bit hard on the AoE damage, so tanks keep him turned around if you can. Also, every ten or fifteen k or so, he will turn green and run to the center of the room. Once that happens, there is a bloodspot on the floor to the left of the instance entrance. You need to be standing on this spot. If you aren't , his huge AoE attack will punt you and cause a huge amount of damage. If you are running without a healer, this could kill you in a hurry.
After he's down there's nothing left to do but to divy up the loot, usually a bunch of ixp runes/relics, and occasionally some third ages and off-hands. Make sure everyone loots each chest so that you get all three of your DG tokens. Also sometimes you can get some really nice jewelry and cloaks from the chests. I finally got the cloak I've been going after for a while.

And it only took a month and a half of trying and countless chests to get it. Granted, it didn't even drop from my chest (thanks Rashaldir for letting me roll on it! And on the one time I decided to switch chests, lol!!!) but I have it! Yay! Hopefully this puts me closer to a day without power problems. That +44 Fate certainly will help with the icpr, that's for sure. And nothing wrong at all with those other stats, that's for sure. It looks pretty sweet too. Sort of heraldic or something.
Now to just get the +70 agi jewelry from SG.
I got the cloak from Sword Halls in Mirkwood that I've been dying to get!!
Sword Halls is a three-person instance in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood. You run in, activate the instance by moving close enough to the nazgul and his fell beast to get him to start talking to you, and then you wait for the first boss to come out at you. Well, the first boss doesn't come immediately. Instead, you have to fight two waves each consisting of three cronies similar in makeup to the boss you're going to soon face. The first boss, the fire boss Urchon or some such name, is actually the hardest one to beat. He has a fire attack that snakes across the floor every once in a while, and in all the times we've run it we've only managed to interrrupt it once to prevent him from getting it off. If you have a good healer or plenty of wound pots you don't have to worry about it and can just stand there and get burned, but if you're like me, most of the time you don't have many pots or a healer worth their salt, so you're reduced to running about and firing off a quickshot when you can. Once he hits 20k you can as a hunter go Burn Hot/ Strength stance (assuming your tank has a good hold on him) and really burn him down the rest of the way in a hurry. Regaining power afterwards shouldn't be an issue if you burn him down fast enough, there should be a nice gap before the next set of people come in.
The next two waves are going to be varying types of morrovail, relatively simple and brain-free to beat. Then comes the boss, a morrovail named Carcheron or something. I'm not good with names. For some reason, no matter what group I run with, she always runs straight for me as soon as she comes in the room, whether I shoot her or not. Ah well. I just try and take her as a lesson in letting the tank gather aggro a bit before laying into her. The only thing to really watch out for with her is she has a selfheal every once in a while you need to try and interrupt, but usually a guard can handle this no problem, even if they aren't traited for quick interrupts.
The last set are a bunch of orcs. These will go down alot faster if you can fear/mezz/stun the one that will be standing in the back, esp. when the other two orcs start looking at him and chanting something in their orcish way. If he is feared out, they will keep going with their induction anyways, essentially giving you three orcs just standing there for you to wail on without them even touching you. The boss attached to them is a big Gerthyrg troll. He is also fairly simple, if a bit hard on the AoE damage, so tanks keep him turned around if you can. Also, every ten or fifteen k or so, he will turn green and run to the center of the room. Once that happens, there is a bloodspot on the floor to the left of the instance entrance. You need to be standing on this spot. If you aren't , his huge AoE attack will punt you and cause a huge amount of damage. If you are running without a healer, this could kill you in a hurry.
After he's down there's nothing left to do but to divy up the loot, usually a bunch of ixp runes/relics, and occasionally some third ages and off-hands. Make sure everyone loots each chest so that you get all three of your DG tokens. Also sometimes you can get some really nice jewelry and cloaks from the chests. I finally got the cloak I've been going after for a while.

And it only took a month and a half of trying and countless chests to get it. Granted, it didn't even drop from my chest (thanks Rashaldir for letting me roll on it! And on the one time I decided to switch chests, lol!!!) but I have it! Yay! Hopefully this puts me closer to a day without power problems. That +44 Fate certainly will help with the icpr, that's for sure. And nothing wrong at all with those other stats, that's for sure. It looks pretty sweet too. Sort of heraldic or something.
Now to just get the +70 agi jewelry from SG.
Friday, May 14
MORE babies.
If you can't tell, I've been on a bit of a sims3 kick lately, playing my legacy game. I also have this sim I've been trying to kill off for a while, because she is glitched and it makes it impossible for her to do anything. Only problem is, she won't die. I put her in a tiny room, filled with fireplaces and rugs and loads of furniture, then lit all the fire places, and the whole room went up in flames, a massive fiery inferno. What did she do? Oh, she was terrified, but she just stood there, swathed in flames, screaming, but she wouldn't die. Why? Well, after about five attempts to burn her alive and two days of leaving her on the rooftop, something happened.
What? A baby bump? You mean she was pregnant? Oh, well that explains why she wouldn't die. It's strange how I had no qualms about killing her when it was just her, but as soon as I knew she was pregnant, it changed to: "at least let her have the baby."

Which she did. Excuse the lamp. I just had to get a shot of her face. By the way, how do you like my library? It's one of my favorite rooms in the house. Anyway, even as she was going through labor, she was still glitched. Every forty seconds or so she would stop, stand straight up with a zombie-dead expression on her face, and make some weird pose with her arms. Then she would go back to labor. Which lasted forever.
After a while, her ghostly mother-in-law showed back up, I suppose to provide moral support or something. Here is Richelle with the first baby of this pregnancy, a little boy named Wrigley. (No, I am not using traditional names for this sims bout, if you haven't figured it out by now). He also has a twin brother named.... oh I forget what his name is, but it was something very weird and I think it was even two words or something. Rice Cakes. Nine Valleys. Ross Stik. Something like that. I tend to name my sims after things I find on my desk. Hence the others' names of Pepsi, Visa, and so forth. Or what's on my mind, with Hobbit, Aion, Friday, and Sapphire. I told you they were weird names.
What? A baby bump? You mean she was pregnant? Oh, well that explains why she wouldn't die. It's strange how I had no qualms about killing her when it was just her, but as soon as I knew she was pregnant, it changed to: "at least let her have the baby."

Which she did. Excuse the lamp. I just had to get a shot of her face. By the way, how do you like my library? It's one of my favorite rooms in the house. Anyway, even as she was going through labor, she was still glitched. Every forty seconds or so she would stop, stand straight up with a zombie-dead expression on her face, and make some weird pose with her arms. Then she would go back to labor. Which lasted forever.
After a while, her ghostly mother-in-law showed back up, I suppose to provide moral support or something. Here is Richelle with the first baby of this pregnancy, a little boy named Wrigley. (No, I am not using traditional names for this sims bout, if you haven't figured it out by now). He also has a twin brother named.... oh I forget what his name is, but it was something very weird and I think it was even two words or something. Rice Cakes. Nine Valleys. Ross Stik. Something like that. I tend to name my sims after things I find on my desk. Hence the others' names of Pepsi, Visa, and so forth. Or what's on my mind, with Hobbit, Aion, Friday, and Sapphire. I told you they were weird names.
Wednesday, May 12
Inescapable death
Well, today, not two days after the death of his wife Hobbit, the patriarch Pepsi Green passed over to the other side. And while working out, no less. Great. Now every time his ghost pops up it'll be in athletic gear. So here is a rather bland shot of their two gravestones, side by side, in death as in life. Or something like that. I don't know. Now I have the possibility of two ghosts. Hooray. Oh, and I tried making more babies to keep the ghosts from coming back, but Richelle and Friday just couldn't seem to get it together.
Speaking of Friday, with the death of his father, Friday is the new head of the Green household, and I am wondering if the family's current stint of prosperity and ease due to hard work and dedication is about to end. Ever since the death of his parents, all Friday has wanted to do is this:
Yes, that is my sim. Jumping around in the sprinkler system. Instead of doing normal things, like sleeping, or taking care of the babies. Oh well. I guess we all unwind in different ways. Also, I don't know why there is no sound. There was sound when it happened. Oh well.
Speaking of Friday, with the death of his father, Friday is the new head of the Green household, and I am wondering if the family's current stint of prosperity and ease due to hard work and dedication is about to end. Ever since the death of his parents, all Friday has wanted to do is this:
Yes, that is my sim. Jumping around in the sprinkler system. Instead of doing normal things, like sleeping, or taking care of the babies. Oh well. I guess we all unwind in different ways. Also, I don't know why there is no sound. There was sound when it happened. Oh well.
Tuesday, May 11
I knew this would happen
I suppose I deserve this for burying my poor dead sim on the lot where her surviving family still lives. Of course she's going to come back to haunt the rest of the family. Nevermind that she had a good life, saw the births of three grandchildren, and had an amazing house - NO - she had to come back and remind them of how miserable she could make their lives.
By playing computer games? Okay, if that's your idea of haunting, go right ahead. I have no issues with you using the computer while everyone else is asleep. Just don't go putting the furniture on the ceiling or anything. Then I might have to move your grave to somewhere a little less.... obtrusive.
Oh my. If just one day after she is dead and gone she comes back to haunt my family, and this is only the first sim on the lot to die, and I'm attempting to play for ten whole generations - how many ghosts will there be by the time I call it quits? There could be dozens of them. I suppose though, that the eightsimsonalot rule might prevail. I don't know. I have to make some more simbabies and see if that prevents her from coming back. Or not. Come to think of it, the babies are a pain and something I'd rather not deal with right now, seeing as I still have two toddlers loose in the house.
On a side note, I realized that this was the first time in TS3 that I'd played a single savegame long enough for a sim to actually die of old age. Usually I just get fed up with them and delete the game so I can start over.
By playing computer games? Okay, if that's your idea of haunting, go right ahead. I have no issues with you using the computer while everyone else is asleep. Just don't go putting the furniture on the ceiling or anything. Then I might have to move your grave to somewhere a little less.... obtrusive.
Oh my. If just one day after she is dead and gone she comes back to haunt my family, and this is only the first sim on the lot to die, and I'm attempting to play for ten whole generations - how many ghosts will there be by the time I call it quits? There could be dozens of them. I suppose though, that the eightsimsonalot rule might prevail. I don't know. I have to make some more simbabies and see if that prevents her from coming back. Or not. Come to think of it, the babies are a pain and something I'd rather not deal with right now, seeing as I still have two toddlers loose in the house.
On a side note, I realized that this was the first time in TS3 that I'd played a single savegame long enough for a sim to actually die of old age. Usually I just get fed up with them and delete the game so I can start over.
Monday, May 10
A Sad Day

Here's hoping she doesn't come back and haunt my remaining sims' house. I still have a long way to go if I'm to make it to the tenth generation.
Wednesday, May 5
The Whispered World
So, when we realized that the game had finally come out and was available on Steam, he bought it without a moment's hesitation. Yesterday, while he was at work, I decided to finally test the waters and try the long-anticipated game out. This is what I found:
Apparently, they put all of their talent into the artwork, and not so much into the voice acting. I guess the good old days of Broken Sword and Monkey Island really are gone. The game was developed in Germany, and so I watched a gameplay clip on youtube of the game in its original language, and to be honest, it was much better. Granted, I could only make out about half of what they were saying, but at least my brain wasn't threatening to melt just from the sound of Sadwick's voice.
I will probably keep playing the game, if only to support the people who are trying to breathe new life into a once great genre. Maybe it will get better and everything else will outweigh the negatives. Maybe this will encourage someone else to make another adventure game, if only to say "I could do a better job than that." I mean, that's how progress happens in societies, right? Someone does something, then their jealous neighbor down the street one ups them? Maybe this is just the nostalgic wishful thinking that had me hoping this was a good game to begin with. Ah well, we'll see. I'll keep playing, and maybe things will turn out okay. I mean, I have only seen the content of the game as far as the above video (because at the time, that's all I could stand).
adventure games,
The Whispered World
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