This is Lily. Lily had the start of a fantastic life. She had a great family, lots of opportunity, and a handsome boyfriend. She was determined to be a master of all the instruments in the Sims 3, and was making great progress, playing for hours each day.
And then, surprise! You know what they say - it only takes once. She was pregnant! Her parents and grandmother were not thrilled, but they welcomed the child into the world, and Lily stood tall despite the rumors flying about town about how her son was conceived out of wedlock. For a while it was so bad Lily couldn't leave the house without people stopping and pointing and gasping and shaking their heads at her. One restaurant even refused to serve 'her type!' Despite all this, she persevered, and soon enough little Aegon was born.
Surprisingly, he carries the genetic marker I put in Duncan at the start of the whole thing (bright yellow eyes. No, it has no purpose or meaning, other than I wanted something easily identifiable for a marker, as an experiment). So far it has shown up every other generation (Gens 1, 3, and 5), exactly.
All seemed well with the world, and eventually the rumors died down. People are fickle, and they will always have something new to gossip about. Hopefully it will be a while before poor Lily finds herself in the spotlight again.
Aegon was growing up quickly, learning new things every day about talking and walking and how to properly chew on toy cars. Lily continued to practice her instruments, and eventually she was able to leave the house without being ridiculed or shunned. They moved on with their lives.

And by 'went on with their lives' I mean Lily really, truly, moved on. She went out and met people, determined to overcome the bad name people had put on her, and one of the people she met was Davon Lassiter. This time, she'd found a great guy. They got along great, he was a hard worker and, most of all, he respected her. He didn't seem to mind (or maybe he didn't know) about the rumors that occasionally still cropped up about Lily, and he was great with Aegon. He was sweet, funny, and even though he was overweight, he was a hard worker. They got married in an incredibly private ceremony (you don't get more private than the bathroom), he moved into the family estate, and soon after she was pregnant again. Things were looking up. Davon got in shape and really slimmed up, then he got a job as an inventor. The new baby turned out to be another son, and now Lily had two children, Aegon Morel (her maiden name) and Aemon Lassiter (her married name). Lily continued with her music, but it was harder now with two children.
And now the question stands: which one of her children will be the heir for the legacy game? Are there rules against bastards? Is it which ever child comes first? Does Aegon have to stand aside for his step-brother Aemon, simply because of a wedding ring? Does Aegon get precedence because he has the genetic marker? Answer in the comments below and tell me! I will go with whoever you decide, so vote!
Send Aegon to the Wall where he can serve as a Maester. J/k, being that he's the oldest AND has the "Mark" I say Aegon wins.
I say first born.
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