Friday, June 29

Yet More Family Drama: A Shocking Turn of Events!

It seems that this legacy game in the Sims 3 is turning out to be the most emotionally involved Sims game I have ever played.

Last time we checked in with my sims, the young mother Lily had just married, after an emotional break up with Rashad and the birth of her first son, Aegon, whom she had with Rashad and is illegitimate. Things were tough for a while, but she married Davon, a guy she met in town, and things started to become better. She became pregnant again and had another son, whom she called Aemon. Life seemed to be all well and good for all the Morels and the Lassiters.

Then, it happened. On a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon, Lily had gone downstairs to the kitchen to cook dinner for everyone, and I saw that the dishwasher was broken. I told her to repair it, and then turned my attention back upstairs, where Davon was working on a woodcarving and his stepson Aegon was painting. Next thing I know, I hear a horrible bzzzt noise and everyone rushes downstairs. I look to see what the trouble is, and there's Lily, curled up dead on the kitchen floor. I stared in shock. This was a horrible turn of events.

Death showed up and took Lily away, and left nothing but the urn sitting on the floor next to where she had died. Mio took her daughter's remains to the cemetery and put her on the family plot with the rest of her predecessors, and she stood there for a while and mourned. This was the first time I had buried a child before the parents in the Sims 3. I sat for a minute and quietly mourned with Mio. This was not how it was supposed to happen.

Everything was different after that. Davon, who had been a perfect gentleman before the death of Lily, took a bad turn. Maybe he was mentally unstable anyways, and couldn't handle life with his in-laws and his stepson while the memory of his young wife's death was so fresh in his mind. Maybe he couldn't stand seeing Aegon every day, who looked so like his mother. Maybe the house was too full of memories. Whatever it was, he couldn't handle it, so he gathered up his toddler son Aemon, took one last look at his stepson, who was sleeping fitfully, and walked out.  He got a cheap house on the other side of town, and despite Mio's attempts to contact him and try to convince him to move back in and help take care of his stepson, it is no good. I guess Davon never liked Aegon anyways, but was too enamored of Lily to say anything about her previous misfortunes with Rashad.

Now the big old house is very quiet, and Aegon spends his days trying not to think about how he is suddenly all alone in a house that is much too big for a little boy and his grandparents. This was not the way I had imagined my game going. I hope the grandparents live long enough for him to reach his teen years, otherwise my legacy game might be cut short.

Thursday, June 28

WARC: Getting Organized

The Windy Acres Riding Club met again last night, and our numbers have grown a little bit. We had some new members, and took care of some administrative tasks to get better organized. After voting on the website for our uniform and team names, we put them into action in-game.

 The riding practice uniform is a combination of Arth-Crus and some Quilted Pants, dyed black. Kiralynn gave us freedom to choose our own shoulders, gloves, and shoes, and while we can't wear hats, we can wear headbands, so I chose the Boots and Gloves of the Eorlingas, and the Circlet of Men. No shoulders for me. I think they would take away from the fantastic look of Arth-Crus. My full look turned out rather dashing and smart, I think. I might change the boots though. They look a bit too chunky. There are some good slim knee-high boots in Dunland, if I remember correctly, but it is a long way still for baby Indy till Dunland. She's up to 35, so almost halfway there, but still, a very very long road. Got to stop messing around and seriously push through the levels. I can go back and grab rep/deeds later.

We decided on Heraldic colors for our team names, so we now have teams Argent, Sable, and Azure, and also the backup team of Purpure (captained by me!) Once we had finished all the team organization and decided on what time alternate practice on Saturdays should be (noon est!), it was time for our leader Kiralynn to go. Most people stayed though, and I ended up leading an impromptu practice for the new folk last night. I did a rough job of explaining what we were doing, but I think folk got the general idea, and in the end I think progress was made by all. We only made it through two formations, but for me, who had NO idea how to explain it the way Kiralynn explained it last week, I feel it went well. At times I felt like Marlin trying to retell that horrible joke about the mollusk and the Sea Cucumber.

 Practice will be each Wednesday evening at 9:30 EST and Saturdays at Noon EST. Contact Kiralynn ingame on Landroval or visit their website for more info.

Sunday, June 24

On Youtube, She Is.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been working on leveling a new Indrabar on Landroval. Although I am well past the Lonelands now and into the thirties, while I was trudging through the Lonelands, I ran into a minstrel named Movaro. Turns out, Movaro is played by a guy called Dulayne, and he's doing a let's play series on Youtube. Consequently, Indrabar made her first internet debut as we ran together doing an escort quest!

If you're interested in his channel, check it out here. I've embedded the episode here, and Indy makes her first appearance at about 2:56, running by blithely like a true huntard. We group for a while and he moves on to other quests after I switch to another character. Most of his other videos are pretty fun to watch, so I recommend checking out his channel.

I must say, my first Youtube appearance is tons of fun to watch, but I can't help but see all the mistakes I made while I was running with him.

Wednesday, June 20

The Windy Acres Ranch Riding Club

I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but I started fresh on the Landroval server, and have been leveling several characters there. On the whole I love the milder attitude and general slower pace of that server, and the RP events add a bit of spice to the now familiar Lotro experience.

One such event, which was loads of fun, was learning to ride dressage in formation. Anyone who has grouped with me on Gladden, or who has read much of this blog, will know that I am something of an obsessive horse collector with Indy. Seriously, she has about 70 of them. So this event was right up my alley. My only problem is that the Landroval Indy doesn't have that many horses. In fact, she only has about five or six. Time to go get some, I guess!
We learned spacing first, and a few terms, and the leader of the event, Kiralynn, taught us how to ride in several formation patterns. I get the feeling the person behind the character might actually do a lot of work with horses in real life. Aldekim beat out the time with a drum, and hearing the beat actually helped stay in time, as silly as that sounds.

It took a bit more practice than I would have expected, but it got easier as the night went on. We will continue meeting at least once  a week and will hopefully be ready for a performance soon!

Play on Landroval? Interested in joining the Riding Club? Check out the website and contact Kiralynn on Landroval in-game!