Then, it happened. On a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon, Lily had gone downstairs to the kitchen to cook dinner for everyone, and I saw that the dishwasher was broken. I told her to repair it, and then turned my attention back upstairs, where Davon was working on a woodcarving and his stepson Aegon was painting. Next thing I know, I hear a horrible bzzzt noise and everyone rushes downstairs. I look to see what the trouble is, and there's Lily, curled up dead on the kitchen floor. I stared in shock. This was a horrible turn of events.
Death showed up and took Lily away, and left nothing but the urn sitting on the floor next to where she had died. Mio took her daughter's remains to the cemetery and put her on the family plot with the rest of her predecessors, and she stood there for a while and mourned. This was the first time I had buried a child before the parents in the Sims 3. I sat for a minute and quietly mourned with Mio. This was not how it was supposed to happen.
Everything was different after that. Davon, who had been a perfect gentleman before the death of Lily, took a bad turn. Maybe he was mentally unstable anyways, and couldn't handle life with his in-laws and his stepson while the memory of his young wife's death was so fresh in his mind. Maybe he couldn't stand seeing Aegon every day, who looked so like his mother. Maybe the house was too full of memories. Whatever it was, he couldn't handle it, so he gathered up his toddler son Aemon, took one last look at his stepson, who was sleeping fitfully, and walked out. He got a cheap house on the other side of town, and despite Mio's attempts to contact him and try to convince him to move back in and help take care of his stepson, it is no good. I guess Davon never liked Aegon anyways, but was too enamored of Lily to say anything about her previous misfortunes with Rashad.
Now the big old house is very quiet, and Aegon spends his days trying not to think about how he is suddenly all alone in a house that is much too big for a little boy and his grandparents. This was not the way I had imagined my game going. I hope the grandparents live long enough for him to reach his teen years, otherwise my legacy game might be cut short.