Hopefully no one is watching. |
Virgil, first born son of Aegon and Jodie Morel, upon finishing high school, decided he wanted to be a private investigator, so, curious, I let him do it. I'd never had a sim follow that career path. Turns out, being a P.I. in the Sims 3 is a lot of picking locks and digging in trash cans for evidence. And talking to people. Lots of talking to people.
Not so much on stakeouts and photo evidence. Honestly, the lack of incriminating photo-taking surprised me. I guess I was expecting more Veronica Mars and less, well, less approaching the klepto breaking-and-entering socialite.
He also has the option to do 'low-level police work,' which, as it turns out, is just going to the police station and disappearing down that rabbit hole for a few hours.What does he do there? Paperwork? Reports? Drink coffee?
It was hard to enjoy the career as well because the house, at that point, was so....
full. There was Aegon and Jodie, the parents; Virgil, their young adult son; Caesar and Sol, the twin teens; and Willow, Ash, and Cypress, the triplet toddlers. Life was hectic indeed. So hectic, that it really started to take a toll on Jodie. She became incredibly absent-minded and couldn't seem to finish the simplest of tasks, and in the end, went back and forth between caring for the triplets and taking naps on the couch outside their room. I began to feel sorry for her.
The garden fell into ruin, and most of the plants are overgrown now. I tried to get Jodie to take care of it, like she used to, and I even managed to get Sol to help every once in a while, but Sol is a bit of a snob and doesn't like to get her hands dirty.
Aegon and Mojo |
Aegon seemed absorbed in his work and did little to help. In fact, Virgil and Caesar did more to help than their father did. Willow and Cypress reached elementary age just fine, but Ash.... Ash not so much. He was the first Sim in this whole endeavor whom I was not allowed to pick a trait for upon his birthday. The game picked for me. I was a little perturbed.
The house was incredibly crowded, what with the eight people and the tiny kitten, Mojo. In fact, Mojo was so tiny he usually got lost in the shuffle, and I had to make it a special point to make sure he was well looked after. He was a favorite of Aegon's. Well, I say favorite like there were lots of other kitties in the house. There aren't. Just little Mojo. In fact, I was beginning to wonder if the game was going to let me have pets again at all, after one of the horses was collected by social services. I still wish I could've appealed that. There was nothing wrong with that horse. But they took him anyway, and prevented me from adopting anymore animals for a couple weeks, which in game-time is of course a very long time.
But it is odd how just a while ago I was complaining about how big and empty the house was, and now, all of a sudden, it's bursting at the seams. Someone is always awake, there is always a mess somewhere, something is always broken - it's almost like real life, just ... worse. I refuse to add onto it. It's big enough as it is, and the only way to go from here is up, and I hate dealing with multiple stories anyway. I was actually thinking about downsizing the house once the family size goes back down. As soon as I can get some of these younger kids grown and moved out. The house is so full, Virgil can't even propose to his girlfriend and get married, because she'd have nowhere to live.
I have got to make some progress. I feel like the generations have really slowed down. At this rate, I won't make it to 20 before the deadline comes along.