Moving on.
My curiosity over dwarven RP, regardless of the appearance of the dwarves, has always been there, and when I saw an advertisement on the Lotro forums for the calling of an Althing - a gathering of dwarves, much like the Nordic tradition for which it's named, my interest was thoroughly piqued. So I cornered my RP buddy and convinced him to roll a baby dwarf, and together we went to the Althing.

Once inside and comfortable before a warm fire, the Althing began in proper, with a court of sorts held to bring for grievances and settle disputes. Braldr, Lord of the Frosthammers, was sound in his judgement and wise in his words, as befits a dwarf of his years and standing. Snorrir, the skald, also told an amusing tale behind his moniker Shiningbrow.
My only disappointment is that the announcement on the forums promised a recitation of an original epic, in the Germanic edda style, and that never happened. I'm sure they are saving it for a larger crowd, as they are for the sparring matches and competitions, I'm sure. A handful of 75s against a handful of lowbies wouldn't be much of a contest.
My young Thyrca, who is a very young dwarf, comparatively, was quite overcome by the nobility of the Frosthammers, and vowed to find a way to bring honor to his young name and come to the next Althing with a grand tale to tell.
Side Note: I toyed with the idea of rping Thyrca as a female dwarf, as all my other characters are and always will be female, but I settled against it due to lore issues that I found unavoidable. Also, the fact that you cannot have a beardless dwarf, and Tolkien is not clear on whether or not the female dwarves were bearded gave me pause. I can be quite the lore-monkey when appropriate. So I made the decision he was male, and whaddya know, two of the dwarves in attendance were female. /lesigh.
In the end, the Althing was smaller than intended, but I took comfort in that because of my unfamiliarity with dwarven RP (which is vastly different, it seems, from the rohirric/general RP I've been enjoying the past few months). The Frosthammers hope to host an Althing monthly, citing ancient traditions and whatnot, and hopefully, as time goes by and exposure grows, the Althing will become a keystone event in the realm of Landroval's RP community.
We could all use more RP.
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