So to celebrate her engagement to JC, Sybil really
really wanted to have a bachelorette party. This was a feature introduced in the Generations expac which I hadn't tried yet, so I gave it a shot, for curiousity's sake. I invited her aunts and any other young females she was more than moderately acquainted with, and they all went to the bar owned by JC. Turns out he was working there that night, so that was a bit ... awkward. Not that Sybil was planning on doing anything unsavory or unfaithful, mind you, it just put that nagging feeling of being watched in everyone's mind.
"Don't get too crazy, the groom's watching!"

But he wasn't paying any attention, engrossed as he was in washing the dirty glasses. I couldn't get over his outfit though. That sense of style.... if it can be called that - I will never get over it. Poor man. Or maybe, poor everyone else and he's just a fashion genius. I still don't know exactly what material that suit was supposed to be made out of. It was nice to see him trying to be a productive member of society though, instead of just lazing about.
Regardless, everyone showed up, even a bunch of women she hadn't invited, and the bouncer decided she'd rather play foosball than guard the door, so all sorts of women were there jumping around and giving toasts to Sybil and her future with the bartender. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and then I got the notification that the 'Male Cowboy Dancers' had arrived. Oh boy. Who asked for them? I was afraid things would get ugly, what with JC downstairs mixing drinks while Sybil slow-danced with the cowboy, but no one seemed to care much, much to my surprise. Perhaps JC knew there was nothing harmful to it? Still, I don't know. All I know is when JC and Sybil try to slow-dance, they do nothing but step on each other's toes. This guy was a dancing master and had her spinning in circles, bending backwards, all sorts of things. All while hip-hop blared through the bar's sound system. It was quite the juxtaposition.
And while I may have complained about JC's outfit of choice, Sybil's surprised me. I had designed a nice little party dress, thinking I could get her to wear that to the party, but as soon as it officially started and her guests started showing up, she changed into this short little number and I was so surprised I let her keep it instead of forcing her back to the outfit I had planned. Huh, the way this game works sometimes if I had tried to change her clothes back that would have probably somehow ended the party and everyone would have left five minutes after they had shown up.

Apparently, my legacy family
cannot have a party without someone dying. It's happened three times now, no matter where the party is held, one of the guests always decides to die. I've no idea who it was this time, all I know is everyone was upstairs dancing, even JC, when all of a sudden someone decided the dance floor was the best place to go. Everyone was quite shocked, and the look on the dancer's face in the back made me giggle. He looked so sad.
JC looked pretty upset too, and if this had been a game with more real world problems, I can imagine him thinking "Oh I hope I don't get sued for this..." I mean, the whole town knowing that someone
died at your bar isn't exactly the best advertisement. Unless he redoes the whole design of it in a dark gothic look, and then it can be a 'haunted' bar. I wonder if I could mover some of the remains from the cemetery over so that some ghosts might decide to hang out? Or is that sacrilegious, to exhume and move remains simply to add atmosphere to a bar? Might drum up business a bit. Hmm. Not a bad idea......

The Grim Reaper showed up and collected her, whoever she was, and everyone soon went back to partying, despite some lingering bad moodlets. But the despair didn't last for long, and soon everyone fine, dancing and chatting and toting their drinks around. I thought the party was going really well, minus the death, of course (but you can't help everything). I was hoping the whole time that despite the death the guests would think it had been a great party since that was Sybil's wish at the moment - for everyone to have a good time. I wonder if the woman who died had fun?
Anyway, they ended the night with JC spraying Sybil with a bottle of champagne. Sometimes I love the facial expressions in this game, and JC's in this pic is priceless. He's having so much fun ruining her dress.

The next morning, which coincidentally was Valentine's Day (or Love Day as it's called in the game), Sybil and JC ran off to the nearby beach to get married in a small private ceremony at dawn, but it started hailing (silly unpredictable spring weather) and they were forced to retreat to the nearby covered shelter to finish the ceremony.
She's pregnant by now, and I'm waiting to see what the little bundle of genetics looks like this time. I'm hoping it's a boy so that I can name him Perrin in honor of the golden gene-marker I've managed to keep in the bloodline thus far, but we'll see. That is, assuming he has the marker. Sometimes it skips a generation or so.
Yes, he really did wear that to the wedding. I had to giggle.