Until, that is, when JC graduated high school Now he's .... well, let's just say he's interesting. Definitely one of the more colorful figures in town. He owns the local bar and acts, all of sudden, like he's some cool tough guy. He wears his shirts open, hairy chest and all, and his hair full of grease, and he looks for all the world like some guido. By the way, if you don't know what a guido is and go to that link, definition #3 is particularly fitting, I believe. Too bad sims all have the same relative accent. I'd love to throw a pseudo-newyorker's twang on him. Let's hope he doesn't turn into a raging alcoholic or a wife-beater :(
He loves working out and messing with cars, and he pretends that he can play guitar. None of those, inherently, are bad things. I'm just wondering if Sybil knows what she's gotten herself into with this one. He's not a bad looking guy, don't get me wrong. I'm actually interested to see what turns up in the gene pool from this. It's just that the family tree hasn't always been as stable as I'd have liked, and there have been several splits when I'd have preferred the couples to stay together.

I know it sounds bad, but while I watched him propose, there was this cliffhanger feeling. I don't know how it's going to turn out for them. There have been lots of times when I thought I had it all in hand for that particular generation, and everything fell apart in the blink of an eye (I'm looking at you, Lily Lassiter). And then there were other times when I was sure things weren't going to work, it was all going to crash and burn, but somehow, they survived, pulled through, and came out okay in the end. Kind of like life, I guess. They say art mimics life, right? Or is it the other way around?
Here's hoping things turn out okay for Sybil and JC.
And that I can actually make it to gen20 without my file corrupting.
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