Monday, April 26

The Spring Festival: Extension

My first post on the Spring Festival explained the horse races, and that I was attempting to earn both Spring Horses. Well, not two hours after the beginning of the Spring Festival, Will Peartree, the festival horse barter npc (what a mouthful), was discovered to be selling one of the recquired items needed to get the spring horses for the very surprising price of 5 silver. The equivalent of about five bucks. Five bucks for a horse? Awesome! So I bought both of them, but as I only had all the items to barter for one horse at the time, I bartered for the Blue Roan horse. Here he is. All pretty like.

So I walked away a month ago with my brand new horse for the grand sum of five silver. Hooray! Well, the people in charge of running Lotro discovered how cheaply he was selling the horses for and very quickly removed him from the game, leading to many disgruntled players. Every day it seemed someone else was asking "if the horse guy was back yet" but the answer was always the same, "no, not yet." A few lucky players who entered the games free lotteries recieved the other spring horse, so the world was not completely void of happy festive horses. Just mostly.

 Today, they finally restored him, thoroughly chastised, and he is now selling the item for the correct price, the equivalent of $1600. Grrrrrr. I grimaced when I saw it, but was thankful that at least on Indrabar I already had documents for both horses and didn't need to purchase any. For my other characters though... well.... we can't always be lucky.

In triumph, I handed the items in to Will Peartree today, to receive my second Spring Horse, and now can rejoice in the fact that I have five of the eight festival horses. Hooray.... I have way too many horses. But, here is Moonshine, in all her drunken happiness. Isn't she lovely?

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