Thursday, April 1

The Spring something....

Yes, I'm a slacker. So here, to make up for my slackiness, and because I have forgotten to take pictures of any of the other activities I've been meaning to write about - yes, I have a list - here is a short post to appease the clamoring throngs of people out there demanding my return to my blogging duties. There are so many of you I seriously have trouble sleeping at night. Seriously.

Another of the activities available to patrons of the Spring festival is the Pie-eating contest. Here we see Squid doing something to that poor hobbit courageously eating pie. If she manages to eat the appropriate number of pies in the allotted time limit and doesn't get indigestion (which is entirely possible, considering the rash of rancid pies all across the Shire) then she is awarded the "Pie-eating champion" title and gets to revel in her gluttonous greatness, which I find ironically appropriate given the season of lent and whatnot.

This quest can only be done once, unlike many of the other festival activities, and it is available during all four seasonal festivals. The quest-giver is that cheery looking hobbit at the back of the table, who can be found at the festival grounds in Bree.

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