Tuesday, May 11

I knew this would happen

I suppose I deserve this for burying my poor dead sim on the lot where her surviving family still lives. Of course she's going to come back to haunt the rest of the family. Nevermind that she had a good life, saw the births of three grandchildren, and had an amazing house - NO - she had to come back and remind them of how miserable she could make their lives.
By playing computer games? Okay, if that's your idea of haunting, go right ahead. I have no issues with you using the computer while everyone else is asleep. Just don't go putting the furniture on the ceiling or anything. Then I might have to move your grave to somewhere a little less.... obtrusive.

Oh my. If just one day after she is dead and gone she comes back to haunt my family, and this is only the first sim on the lot to die, and I'm attempting to play for ten whole generations - how many ghosts will there be by the time I call it quits? There could be dozens of them. I suppose though, that the eightsimsonalot rule might prevail. I don't know. I have to make some more simbabies and see if that prevents her from coming back. Or not. Come to think of it, the babies are a pain and something I'd rather not deal with right now, seeing as I still have two toddlers loose in the house.

On a side note, I realized that this was the first time in TS3 that I'd played a single savegame long enough for a sim to actually die of old age. Usually I just get fed up with them and delete the game so I can start over.

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