For anyone who's ever seen Leroy Jenkins, they will understand completely what this post is about. For those who have not seen it, I will provide the video, so that you may watch it and erase all confusion. This is a clip someone captured from the game World of Warcraft, which in all actuality is at the bare-bones level very similar to LotRo, which I play. I do NOT play WoW.
*bad language alert*
Okay, so now that we have that out of the way, I want to say that today, I felt like the leader of the group in this video. We had a good group, we had a plan, we had a very difficult instance to run, and then somehow, someone (thankfully I don't know who or I would be a bit upset) managed to ruin everything. We all died. About five times each. We were locked out. Mobs were spawning incessantly. There was no shouting, no cursing, no declarations of chicken, but we did all kind of stand there and get hit by mobs we couldn't see while we died, suddenly and unexpectedly. LotRO tends to be a bit more mature and laid-back than WoW, thank goodness, but the instance tonight represented, to quote my favorite sea-captain: "a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic." To put it in the plainest of terms:
NO ONE was following the plan.
So after we had all wiped for the umpteenth time, we stood around the rez circle, wondering what the heck happened and how we could do better next time, when everyone took a look at their repair bills and suddenly disappeared. Apparently having to spend lots of money makes people hesitant to try again. And again. And again.
Thankfully, after we all went our separate ways, I managed to get that horrible repair bill repaid and realized that sometimes, being an officer, being the one in charge, isn't all that great.
"Stick to the plan!" doesn't work when no one is listening.