Isn't he adorable? Then we did ONE quest to get just that much farther in the epic line, but then we were stuck at a full fellowship quest, and when we asked for help, we were met with the news that Turbine is nerfing ALL of Volume I, to my great dismay (and tiny joy. Now I might be able to finally get my white horse). In other words, if we wait till Monday, when they make the changes, we might not need the help and should be able to do it on our own.
Here we are in the Misty Mountains while I tried to get my mic working again. Thankfully my headphones didn't die on me this time. Just in-game problems. Sis, of course, is looking radiant as always, all shiny in the moonlight, while I look like a dork and don't even have my eyes open. Typical.
Then we went down to Rivendell, where we contemplated fishing in a lovely little water hole we found, until we noticed this strange bubbly bit of water. It intrigued us greatly.
Then we were bored, and started swimming about in the water. It was a lovely swimming hole, after all, and a welcome break from the cold mountains we had just left.
Then we were joined by a couple Kinmates, and ran up to Forochel, where we killed many mooses (meeses?) and wolverines and wargs. Sis also discovered that she cannot play the Lute well. So she smashed it and I threw the bits in the nearby campfire.
All in all it was a lovely night, and except for us wandering too far ahead of our level and getting ourselves killed (repeatedly) by mobs much stronger than we were, it was loads of fun. I love running with my sis ^.^
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