Sunday, February 21

My First Rep Horse

Finally. I have a reputation horse. And it's one you don't see very often, too. Mostly because to get it you have to be considered kindred with the Lossoth - and most people hate Forochel, so they don't even bother getting the horse. But I got her, and I still have deeds to finish - so hey, all those extra items I loot will give me a headstart on the rep with my other characters. Yayyyyy!

Because she is the "Tundra Pony" (you can't really tell, but her fur is kind of long and shaggy) and because she came from the snowy realms of Forochel, I named her Losslir, which means Snow-flower in elvish. I took this screenshot from the backyard of my house in the Shire, because I consider that better scenery than the icebergs and whatnot that adorn Forochel.

And technially, now that I think about it, she isn't my first Rep horse. I have the ability to purchase the horse from the people of Bree, but I forgot and haven't bought him yet. I couldn't buy the other horse now anyways because I spent all but 41 silver of my money to buy Losslir. (Why I have to buy the horse after I spent all that time doing quests and whatnot for these people anyways is beyond me - after all the work I put in they should just give her to me, lol)

.... but I do hope I don't die anytime soon, otherwise I won't be able to afford the repairs. At least now when I go out on the moors I won't get laughed at for not having a better horse.

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