So the Spring Festival is still going on, but I think I'm still working off the side effects from my last outing to the festival.
Just kidding. Actually I'm just a bum.
And also I have no pictures or point to this post. I am now even more of a bum.
Just letting whoever is out there know that the festival is still going on, and I am eventually going to post things on the other activities!!
Saturday, March 27
Wednesday, March 24
So, it's a drinking game? (The Spring Festival, day two)
Yes, Legolas.
It is.
Today's post on the Spring festival will highlight one of my favorite things to do in the game - participate in the activities of the Inn League. The Inn League is one of the many reputation factions within the game, but what sets it apart from the others is that reputation with them can only be gained during the seasonal festivals, making it one of the more difficult things to work on. The hobbits of the Shire love their beers and ales, and take great delight in celebrating them.
The basic and most common way to gain reputation with the Inn League is by performing the Shire Pub Crawl (not the official name, ^.^). Today I was lucky enough to run the crawl with Squid, who performed excellently and made it through the entire run. The quest starts at the party tree in Hobbiton, where you are required to drink six tankards in about a minute. Sis managed to pass this portion of the quest, while I was too busy taking pictures and failed.
Next participants have to run all the way from the party tree to Brockenborings, north and east of Hobbiton, to the Plough and Stars inn. There, the formula is repeated and you must drink six tankards of ale before the time limit expires. This time the Inn League is a bit generous and gives you about five and a half minutes to get from the Party Tree to the Plough and Stars and drink your drinks. This time sis opted to perform an impressive balancing act and stand on the edge of the table while she downed her frothy mugs of beer. The Inn League officiant, that hobbit lady sitting beneath Squid, apparently didn't mind that sis was standing practically in her lap.
Next it was off to the Golden Perch in Stock, right on the banks of the Brandywine River and at the far eastern reaches of the Shire. Thankfully Squid avoided any shennanigans this time and stood firmly on the ground while the hobbit patrons did their best to ignore the fact that an elf-lady was rapidly downing all their best beer. Like a trooper, sis finished this round as well, and with a swift call to our mounts we rode off to the next destination, the Floating Log in Frogmorton.

To me, getting to Frogmorton and downing the beer in time was always the hardest step in the quest, because for this leg they only give you about three minutes to finish. By now any participants should be beginning to feel the effects of the ale, and things in game will start to appear a bit fuzzy. The first time I attempted the quest I was having such trouble seeing (I stupidly ran the quest at night in the rain, which makes it doubly hard to see) and stood outside the entrance to the Inn until my time ran out because I couldn't see through my drunken haze enough to actually find the door. Squid ran inside though and completed her grim task while I waited outside to lead the way to the next stop. Why? I suppose I was acting as a sort of designated driver, so that sis not only found her way but avoided running any poor hobbits over on her horse.

Next, it was a quick trip west to the Green Dragon in Bywater, probably the most famous of inns in the Shire. This is by far the largest and most prosperous of the Shire inns, built on the edge of the Water, just down the road from Hobbiton. It is also the site of one of Merry and Pippin's memorable songs from the Lord of the Rings films:
After leaving the Green Dragon, we headed off to the Ivy Bush Inn, where sis bravely ploughed on, although her screen probably looked something like this by this point:
I applaud her tremendously for continuing on. By now if you stand still the screen will slowly sway back and forth and everything is at least in doubles, if not triples. It's hard to click on the beers to 'drink' them, so finishing this last stage is always a challenge. Her last stop was the Bird and Baby Inn in Michel Delving, the capitol of sorts for the Shire. After downing her last six beers, she completed the quest with a horrifically silly grin on her face, and collapsed, where I'm pretty sure she is lying still, soundly sleeping off the effects of all those beers in the basement of the Bird and Baby. Here's hoping she doesn't have too much of a hangover.
It is.
Today's post on the Spring festival will highlight one of my favorite things to do in the game - participate in the activities of the Inn League. The Inn League is one of the many reputation factions within the game, but what sets it apart from the others is that reputation with them can only be gained during the seasonal festivals, making it one of the more difficult things to work on. The hobbits of the Shire love their beers and ales, and take great delight in celebrating them.

To me, getting to Frogmorton and downing the beer in time was always the hardest step in the quest, because for this leg they only give you about three minutes to finish. By now any participants should be beginning to feel the effects of the ale, and things in game will start to appear a bit fuzzy. The first time I attempted the quest I was having such trouble seeing (I stupidly ran the quest at night in the rain, which makes it doubly hard to see) and stood outside the entrance to the Inn until my time ran out because I couldn't see through my drunken haze enough to actually find the door. Squid ran inside though and completed her grim task while I waited outside to lead the way to the next stop. Why? I suppose I was acting as a sort of designated driver, so that sis not only found her way but avoided running any poor hobbits over on her horse.

After leaving the Green Dragon, we headed off to the Ivy Bush Inn, where sis bravely ploughed on, although her screen probably looked something like this by this point:
I applaud her tremendously for continuing on. By now if you stand still the screen will slowly sway back and forth and everything is at least in doubles, if not triples. It's hard to click on the beers to 'drink' them, so finishing this last stage is always a challenge. Her last stop was the Bird and Baby Inn in Michel Delving, the capitol of sorts for the Shire. After downing her last six beers, she completed the quest with a horrifically silly grin on her face, and collapsed, where I'm pretty sure she is lying still, soundly sleeping off the effects of all those beers in the basement of the Bird and Baby. Here's hoping she doesn't have too much of a hangover.
Tuesday, March 23
The Spring Festival, day one
Just a few days from now will mark my one year anniversary with lotro, and I find it fitting that my 'birthday' falls in the Spring Festival. I love the festivals in the game. Each one holds different activities to try, and while some are simple, some require a good amount of skill and practice.
One such activity requiring a bit of effort is the horse race. There are two race-tracks in the game, one in the Shire and one in Bree, and since the advent of the new, improved horse races back in the winter festival, I have made it a point to practice riding on the race-course every time I go to my house in Michel Delving (what? It's on the way, and since I am such an avid collector of horses, I figured it wouldn't hurt). When I first tried the race-tracks back December, I failed the races more times than I won them.
However, as a result of my practice, I ran the Spring race today with Indrabar, and received my Spring Fest Horse Token, which, when combined with other items, will allow me to trade for a spring horse. Yay!
My only wonder now is if Turbine has added a new horse to the Spring Festival, as they did in the Winter Festival. Just in case, I went ahead and ran the Bree race too and received a token from there, so, provided I can get the other necessary items and the money, I will have at least one (and possibly two!) new horses in the near future. Now I simply need to get my other characters up and ready as well so I can have Spring horses for them all!
Stay tuned for a rundown of the other events in the land of Middle-earth during the Spring Festival!
One such activity requiring a bit of effort is the horse race. There are two race-tracks in the game, one in the Shire and one in Bree, and since the advent of the new, improved horse races back in the winter festival, I have made it a point to practice riding on the race-course every time I go to my house in Michel Delving (what? It's on the way, and since I am such an avid collector of horses, I figured it wouldn't hurt). When I first tried the race-tracks back December, I failed the races more times than I won them.
However, as a result of my practice, I ran the Spring race today with Indrabar, and received my Spring Fest Horse Token, which, when combined with other items, will allow me to trade for a spring horse. Yay!
My only wonder now is if Turbine has added a new horse to the Spring Festival, as they did in the Winter Festival. Just in case, I went ahead and ran the Bree race too and received a token from there, so, provided I can get the other necessary items and the money, I will have at least one (and possibly two!) new horses in the near future. Now I simply need to get my other characters up and ready as well so I can have Spring horses for them all!
Stay tuned for a rundown of the other events in the land of Middle-earth during the Spring Festival!
Saturday, March 20
Giant Turtles!!!!!
So last night I successfully led my first Turtle run. We killed her without wiping completely, which was good. Not that she's particularly difficult or anything. She can be. A few of our people did die. However. I digress. The point of this post is to celebrate my leading! (Yes, you can all look at me). Er, rather, I led in the sense that I was the one who organized the group and held the button. An Aussie champ considered it his duty to call out instructions, and I let him. I guess I was too nervous about being the one "in charge" to actually "take charge." Ah well. My confidence is boosted either way, and hopefully next time I will be able to not only hold the button next time but hold it high over any silly champs' heads!
Thursday, March 18
Wednesday, March 17
Now I know why I am always broke
It's because I can't stop buying horses!!
I like this one alot though. He's possibly my favorite. I bought him from the Wardens of Annunimas after gaining enough reputation with them. I wanted to name him Sequoia, cause it seemed to fit, but apparently Turbine seems to have some issue with that name (why?) so I named him Skeeter, after the paint horse my mom used to have.
Now hopefully I can gather my money in time for the Spring festival next week- because I heard they have a horse to earn there too!!
I like this one alot though. He's possibly my favorite. I bought him from the Wardens of Annunimas after gaining enough reputation with them. I wanted to name him Sequoia, cause it seemed to fit, but apparently Turbine seems to have some issue with that name (why?) so I named him Skeeter, after the paint horse my mom used to have.
Now hopefully I can gather my money in time for the Spring festival next week- because I heard they have a horse to earn there too!!
A Brief Moment in Angmar
Tonight Squid and I ( yay Squid!!!) ran around in Angmar a little more, thankfully acquiring the rest of our Fem set of armor, which for our level (still a wonderful 42!) is one of the nicest sets in the game. Getting it, however, was no easy thing, as the chief of the Trev Somethingorother had us doing all sorts of measly chores for him. More than once we put ourselves in mortal danger, battling orcs and giant hillbeasts. He even had us run up to the top of some giant rock pile to gather some sacred rock. The Stone of Clucath. Why on earth are people in this game always misplacing their sacred rocks and aurochs skulls and whatnot? Seems like every week or so someone asks us to go retrieve their thing they lost or forgot or whatever, that is somehow vitally important to the pride/luck/prosperity/sheep shearing rates of the village. Sis had a little Peter Pan moment on top of the pile of rocks, right before she picked up Crannog's OhSoImportantRock.
But it wasn't all bravery and heroics. We also spent a good portion of the night running in terror from wargs and Angmarim baddies twice our size. Now that we have the set though, the choice ahead of us is whether to continue in Angmar for a bit or go ahead and move south to Eregion in preparation for acquiring our first legendary weapons.
Oh hai. Here is my clawz. Do you likez tehm?
I also take great pleasure in tormenting sis with my horrendous outfit choices. I think she was checking her wristwatch here to see how long I could manage to dance around and manage to look like an idiot. Although, at that point in the game, her outfit wasn't much better than mine. We both have very, erm, interesting hats.
Ooh! Also take a gander at our shiny new staffs! (staves?) Sis says they look like giant wooden lollipops, but I think they are cool. Better than the plain wooden sticks we had before.
Finally, we decided to move on, and frankly I was getting a bit tired from all that dancing. Sis also discovered the /mood emotes, which change the character's facial expressions. I love the /moods and use them frequently for no apparent reason.
This pic doesn't really showcase how outlandish and strange the expressions can be sometimes, but I saw this pic and thought it was hilarious.

In the end, we completed all of Crannog's silly chores, and got our final piece of Fem armor. I was greatly dissapointed to find that the Light set (which we as Lore-masters are forced to wear) doesn't look quite as impressive as the Medium or Heavy sets - of which, sadly, I do not have pictures. I do have pictures of the Light Fem set, which Squid was ecstatic to learn made a wonderful glowy whoosh whenever she put it on. I guess the robe isn't that bad. I'm just tired of robes. I miss having at least a nice thick leather breastplate and some leather greaves. Instead, I get coats and dresses. Why? Cause I'm a Lore-master, and we are too.... something, I'm not sure.... for medium armor. Boo.
Also, in completely unrelatedness, I realized today that lotro sometimes does mirror real life. Squid is taller than me. Only barely, but still.
But it wasn't all bravery and heroics. We also spent a good portion of the night running in terror from wargs and Angmarim baddies twice our size. Now that we have the set though, the choice ahead of us is whether to continue in Angmar for a bit or go ahead and move south to Eregion in preparation for acquiring our first legendary weapons.
Oh hai. Here is my clawz. Do you likez tehm?

Ooh! Also take a gander at our shiny new staffs! (staves?) Sis says they look like giant wooden lollipops, but I think they are cool. Better than the plain wooden sticks we had before.
Finally, we decided to move on, and frankly I was getting a bit tired from all that dancing. Sis also discovered the /mood emotes, which change the character's facial expressions. I love the /moods and use them frequently for no apparent reason.
This pic doesn't really showcase how outlandish and strange the expressions can be sometimes, but I saw this pic and thought it was hilarious.

In the end, we completed all of Crannog's silly chores, and got our final piece of Fem armor. I was greatly dissapointed to find that the Light set (which we as Lore-masters are forced to wear) doesn't look quite as impressive as the Medium or Heavy sets - of which, sadly, I do not have pictures. I do have pictures of the Light Fem set, which Squid was ecstatic to learn made a wonderful glowy whoosh whenever she put it on. I guess the robe isn't that bad. I'm just tired of robes. I miss having at least a nice thick leather breastplate and some leather greaves. Instead, I get coats and dresses. Why? Cause I'm a Lore-master, and we are too.... something, I'm not sure.... for medium armor. Boo.
Also, in completely unrelatedness, I realized today that lotro sometimes does mirror real life. Squid is taller than me. Only barely, but still.
Friday, March 12
FFXIII - First Impressions
Granted, I know I'm not very far in the game, and technically I've never finished a final fantasy game ever so I don't have much... expertise. But, in the first couple of hours of this game, the only thing I've done is
- Watch a cutscene.
- Be given the option to save my game. Why? All I did was watch a movie. Oh well, I learned a long time ago never to turn an opportunity to save down, so I save.
- Watch another cutscene.
- Be told to save again. .... okaaaay?
- Take two steps forward and be told how to kill things. Sort of. I was kind of confused at this point.
- Kill the monster. Yay.
- Oh. Joy. Another cut scene.
- Save.
- Rinse, and repeat. About TWENTY DOZEN TIMES.
Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Last night, while Squid and I were questing, we hit 42. That is a grand number.
We did lots of questing in Angmar last night - and got several quests finished. We each got a nice 3-piece set of jewelry, our first two pieces of Fem armor, and we, as I mentioned before, reached 42. I would like to slow down and enjoy this level a bit, but we quested so much that we're both about half way through it and almost to 43 now. Oh well. Squid managed somehow to level up before I did, and she took lots of pleasure in holding it over my head. I don't know when but at some point she managed to get about two or three ticks (ticks being the unofficial measuring device in the leveling meter by which players can give an estimate of how close they are to finishing X level) ahead of me. She claims it is due to her habit of killing everything in sight, which is different from my habit of killing only those things which I need for quests or monsters that are in the way of what I need for a quest. She's probably right.

Angmar is a pretty dreary place - Squid called it emo - but I like it. The greyness can be calming. Even when you are running for your life from elite rare nemesis with ten times your hp, the whole place has a sort of surreal atmosphere. Like this tree, in the middle of a pond. Everything is grey and ashy, and while I wouldn't drink the water, something about this picture relaxes me a bit.
Angmar also holds some rather strange characters. Take this guy for example: his name is Tasgall and he can be found standing under the aforementioned tree. Turning in a quest to him is what finally kicked me over the bar to 42, but after I had leveled I noticed something odd about his beard. Eww. Is that a growth? Not sure. You can't really tell from this picture, but he also is sporting a rather, erm, interesting color combination in the wardrobe department. While the Trev Gallorg of Angmar may live in skin teepes and speak with Scottish accents, they have all the color sense of a jaybird. Hooray. We also ran a quest with him and the very first thing he told us was not to let the rain break our concentration. Odd. Squid hammed it up though and kept responding to everything he or I said with "Huh?"
Apparently these people aren't happy with just wearing the outlandish colors themselves - they want everyone else to wear them too. Take a look at the spiffy knickers they gave us for killing some wargs or somesuch:
Oh my. Aren't we lovely.
Squid also saw her first three boxer last night. A three boxer is someone who plays the game on three different characters at the same time - which consequently requires three computers and three accounts. Someone must really love the game. This one in particular was easy to spot because when else do you see three Hobbit minstrels, all exactly the same level, wearing exactly the same clothing, and doing exactly the same thing? I'm pretty sure this is the same guy who three boxes on the moors alot - he has a set of spiders that spell certain doom for lone adventurers.
All in all, it was a grand night of adventuring, and once again, I cannot help but state how much I love running with Squid. ^.^ The loremasters are fun - and we are moving on up in the game, sure to become a formiddable force and glorious asset to the KotFP.

Angmar is a pretty dreary place - Squid called it emo - but I like it. The greyness can be calming. Even when you are running for your life from elite rare nemesis with ten times your hp, the whole place has a sort of surreal atmosphere. Like this tree, in the middle of a pond. Everything is grey and ashy, and while I wouldn't drink the water, something about this picture relaxes me a bit.
Angmar also holds some rather strange characters. Take this guy for example: his name is Tasgall and he can be found standing under the aforementioned tree. Turning in a quest to him is what finally kicked me over the bar to 42, but after I had leveled I noticed something odd about his beard. Eww. Is that a growth? Not sure. You can't really tell from this picture, but he also is sporting a rather, erm, interesting color combination in the wardrobe department. While the Trev Gallorg of Angmar may live in skin teepes and speak with Scottish accents, they have all the color sense of a jaybird. Hooray. We also ran a quest with him and the very first thing he told us was not to let the rain break our concentration. Odd. Squid hammed it up though and kept responding to everything he or I said with "Huh?"
Apparently these people aren't happy with just wearing the outlandish colors themselves - they want everyone else to wear them too. Take a look at the spiffy knickers they gave us for killing some wargs or somesuch:
Oh my. Aren't we lovely.

All in all, it was a grand night of adventuring, and once again, I cannot help but state how much I love running with Squid. ^.^ The loremasters are fun - and we are moving on up in the game, sure to become a formiddable force and glorious asset to the KotFP.
Thursday, March 11
Taking in the Scenery
One of my favorite things about playing LotRO has to be the environment. Sometimes I will get bogged down in a location and become too focused on the quest at hand to really stop and pay attention to my surroundings, but today I took my minstrel, Sioned, out to Northern Bree to finish up some quests she forgot to do before. She kind of ran through Bree in a hurry because I mainly played her during LotRO's kinship contest last year, and as I was trying to level her up as quickly as possible I didn't stay too long in any one area. Minstrels are always in short supply, especially good minstrels at a high enough level to actually be useful to a good percentage of the other players, so it probably wouldn't hurt to level her up a bit. Which I did today. Twice. She's now at the glorious height of 39. All that to say that the mobs in Bree are now no challenge at all. Which gives me the freedom to stop, take a look about, and enjoy the fields and hills.

I really do love this area - even if the quests are a bit spread out and it can take forever and a day just to get to where you need to go - the weather for one thing is always gorgeous - even when it's overcast and raining I love it.
I also celebrated my quick stop in the Hengstacer farms (that's the horsefields for all you noobs) with a game sis and I invented: Pony Jumping. Now normally this epic sport has to be done on foot, but since I was feeling especially festive, I decided to attempt it, rather eval kineval style, on my horse, Aggregate. Don't ask about the horse's name. I don't know.
Anyways, that was fun. Jumping over the ponies always is, whether on foot or horseback. The ponies don't mind either. At least, I don't think they mind. They never make any noise or run away or anything. Sometimes they just swish their tails. Hrm....
Lately with my characters I've been dabbling in the role-playing aspect of the game, something completely optional of course, but it does give the game a little more variety as I get to add a personality to each of my characters. Kind of like acting. So I decided to make Sioned a bit unpredictable and crazy, because I usually have to be in a crazy mood to play her. I don't really like minstrel that much. Which is also why I do things like stopping and admiring the scenery, or jumping over horses, cause I have to do something. But I ramble, it's late, I'm feeling a bit tired... and I think it's starting to show.... so I'm off to bed and then who knows what will happen the next time I find myself in Middle-earth.

I really do love this area - even if the quests are a bit spread out and it can take forever and a day just to get to where you need to go - the weather for one thing is always gorgeous - even when it's overcast and raining I love it.
I also celebrated my quick stop in the Hengstacer farms (that's the horsefields for all you noobs) with a game sis and I invented: Pony Jumping. Now normally this epic sport has to be done on foot, but since I was feeling especially festive, I decided to attempt it, rather eval kineval style, on my horse, Aggregate. Don't ask about the horse's name. I don't know.
Anyways, that was fun. Jumping over the ponies always is, whether on foot or horseback. The ponies don't mind either. At least, I don't think they mind. They never make any noise or run away or anything. Sometimes they just swish their tails. Hrm....

Thursday, March 4
Irony to the nth degree
Today I announced in Kin chat that I was heading out to the Moors. Did anyone want to come with me? No, but one member charged me with making sure that the relic stayed safe. I had never seen the relic. I didn't even know where it was kept, or who was guarding it. All I knew was that the freeps having it meant we got a nice experience gain boost. Losing the relic meant losing that buff. So, I nodded dumbly and rode off to the moors, not quite sure what I had just promised and hoping he was joking. He didn't really mean for me to watch over this mythical relic, did he? Surely he was joking.
Later, out on the moors, I somehow managed to scrape together a group of a captain, warden and a minstrel. A pretty awesome group. We managed to get a bit of renown off of a group of creeps, and then, after wiping the floor with them, they disappeared. We rode around like chickens for about fifteen minutes looking for them when something popped up in the announcements. Something I had never seen before. Something I didn't want to see. Something that one Kin member had jinxed into happening:
We stood about dancing for a second, certain that we had averted a crisis and all we had to do was wait for the pup to show up so we could stick him full of arrows and reclaim the relic for the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. Things were starting to feel both a bit triumphant and epic.
Then, in the midst of our celebrations, I noticed some movement at the entrance to the room. Before I could barely get the words "Hey, guys, um, warg" out, Heathcliffe had blazed past us, the relic held tightly in his teeth. The relic was lost. I had watched it happen. The one thing I had never seen, never even known where it came from or where it went - I saw it on the one day when a Kin member charged me not to lose it.
So class, the word of the day is irony.
Here's to you Heathcliffe and your daring-do. Here's to your group, with your warleaders and your spiders and your wargs, who wiped us out, still in the midst of our celebrations, while you blazed past us with that thing blazing like a beacon. Here's to the captain, warden, and minstrel, who fought so bravely and tried their best to keep a squishy hunter alive.
Later, out on the moors, I somehow managed to scrape together a group of a captain, warden and a minstrel. A pretty awesome group. We managed to get a bit of renown off of a group of creeps, and then, after wiping the floor with them, they disappeared. We rode around like chickens for about fifteen minutes looking for them when something popped up in the announcements. Something I had never seen before. Something I didn't want to see. Something that one Kin member had jinxed into happening:
If you can manage to read the orange line of text in the chat box, you will see that a certain fragment is being stolen by a warg named Heathcliffe. This warg and I, at least on my end, have a particularly uneasy history, but I digress.
We jumped on our horses and ran in circles in a panic for a few minutes until we figured out the route they would probably take to deposit where we assumed they would have to take the relic. None of us had ever seen the relic. We all had seen Heathcliffe though, so we made a rough guess and charged off towards the Orc fortress of Dar-gazugasomething. I forget what it was called. With a daring charge and an insane amount of good luck, we made it into the very heart of the fortress. Right where Heathcliffe the warg would have to put the relic. Heathcliffe was not there.
Then, in the midst of our celebrations, I noticed some movement at the entrance to the room. Before I could barely get the words "Hey, guys, um, warg" out, Heathcliffe had blazed past us, the relic held tightly in his teeth. The relic was lost. I had watched it happen. The one thing I had never seen, never even known where it came from or where it went - I saw it on the one day when a Kin member charged me not to lose it.
So class, the word of the day is irony.
Here's to you Heathcliffe and your daring-do. Here's to your group, with your warleaders and your spiders and your wargs, who wiped us out, still in the midst of our celebrations, while you blazed past us with that thing blazing like a beacon. Here's to the captain, warden, and minstrel, who fought so bravely and tried their best to keep a squishy hunter alive.
Wednesday, March 3
The End of Their Folly
"Upon the battlement nothing could be seen. All was silent but watchful. They were come to the last end of their folly, and stood forlorn and chill in the grey light of early day before towers and walls which their army could not assault with hope, not even if it had brought thither engines of great power, and the Enemy had no more force than would suffice for the manning of the gate and walls alone."
~ from The Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien
~ from The Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Tuesday, March 2
Agriculturally Speaking
Out of all my nine characters in LotRO, only two of them are farmers. There is good reason for that, as farming is probably the most tedious and time-consuming of crafts. It's not difficult or even very expensive, it just takes a very, very, very long time. I have already reached Supreme Master Farmer with Indrabar, and so if I need something grown, I try to let Thyrra do it, since she's still pretty low.
The only problem is, the last time I went farming, something scary was watching me:
Just kidding. The rabbit belongs to me. I had him out because when I took this picture was taken he was the only fluffy, non-combat pet I had. Plus it seemed appopriate to have a rabbit in the fields, even if he is terribly scurry looking. His name is NastyPointyTeeth, because I don't really like rabbits. Because they are scary... and that is all I am going to say about that.
Last night they updated some of the different crafts (thank you Turbine!) and my sis learned how to farm. I don't think she likes it very much....
She's not actually doing in this pic other than standing there looking cool. I think I was explaining farming to her. Notice I have a new pet too - no more rabbits yay! This is my turtle Nanu. He's kind of ugly ^.^
I don't know what I'm bragging about, actually. It's not any more difficult to grow an apple tree than it is to grow anything else, the apple is just unique in that it actually looks like a tree. Everything else, and I mean everything, looks like some strange grain. Whether you are growing cabbages, carrots, or tobacco, it will look like the same strange plant. Apple trees actually look like trees, for which I am thankful. Maybe one day Turbine will change the appearance of all the vegetables so that what you are growing actually corresponds to what it looks like you are growing.
The only problem is, the last time I went farming, something scary was watching me:
Just kidding. The rabbit belongs to me. I had him out because when I took this picture was taken he was the only fluffy, non-combat pet I had. Plus it seemed appopriate to have a rabbit in the fields, even if he is terribly scurry looking. His name is NastyPointyTeeth, because I don't really like rabbits. Because they are scary... and that is all I am going to say about that.
Last night they updated some of the different crafts (thank you Turbine!) and my sis learned how to farm. I don't think she likes it very much....

One of the aspects they changed about farming yesterday was that certain ingredients which before could only be bought from suppliers and vendors (at a very expensive price!) can now be only grown by farmers (for much cheaper!). One of those things which can be grown is the Shire Apple:
See? This is the first apple tree I ever grew. I am very proud of it. Sis was too, she cheered for me and my tree.I don't know what I'm bragging about, actually. It's not any more difficult to grow an apple tree than it is to grow anything else, the apple is just unique in that it actually looks like a tree. Everything else, and I mean everything, looks like some strange grain. Whether you are growing cabbages, carrots, or tobacco, it will look like the same strange plant. Apple trees actually look like trees, for which I am thankful. Maybe one day Turbine will change the appearance of all the vegetables so that what you are growing actually corresponds to what it looks like you are growing.
I found these white horses...
So I finally finished Volume 1 today, only because Turbine was gracious enough to let us poor people who can never get fellowships for quests do the quests on our own. For a few glorious minutes I felt like one of the heroes of ancient elvendom, staring at my morale bar of over 18,000 hitpoints. I was doing 2k damage an arrow, easily. I felt like.... something divine and all-powerful. Granted, the quest was still hard, and I did almost die. But I finished it. I fought the witch-king himself, too:
Why I decided to show up in that dress instead of any armor I don't know, it probably had something to do with me almost dying, lol. But I did fight him, although I didn't kill him. That glory was reserved for Narmeleth there, in the red dress. Poor girl.
After I returned to Rivendell to inform the elves of our triumph, they handed me a bunch of nifty items, namely a cloak, a picture for my house, some armor I can't use, and a fairly decent ring.
Oh, and this:
A white horse. Anyone who knows anything about me and about how I play lotro knows that I am obsessed with two things: clothes and horses. Everytime I get a new horse I am ecstatic and take lots of pictures of it to show it off. This horse I named Bainrhi, which is elvish for "beautiful crown," because I consider this horse to be the symbol of the crown of my achievements in the game thus far. You can also see my new dress, but I didn't get that from the quest, I got that from the lovely beer-filled dwarves of Thorin's Hall. I handed them enough goblin heads and they were happy to give me a dress to say thanks.
Welp, I'm off, back into the game, to see what other wonders I can discover!
Why I decided to show up in that dress instead of any armor I don't know, it probably had something to do with me almost dying, lol. But I did fight him, although I didn't kill him. That glory was reserved for Narmeleth there, in the red dress. Poor girl.
After I returned to Rivendell to inform the elves of our triumph, they handed me a bunch of nifty items, namely a cloak, a picture for my house, some armor I can't use, and a fairly decent ring.
Oh, and this:

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