So I finally finished Volume 1 today, only because Turbine was gracious enough to let us poor people who can never get fellowships for quests do the quests on our own. For a few glorious minutes I felt like one of the heroes of ancient elvendom, staring at my morale bar of over 18,000 hitpoints. I was doing 2k damage an arrow, easily. I felt like.... something divine and all-powerful. Granted, the quest was still hard, and I did almost die. But I finished it. I fought the witch-king himself, too:
Why I decided to show up in that dress instead of any armor I don't know, it probably had something to do with me almost dying, lol. But I did fight him, although I didn't kill him. That glory was reserved for Narmeleth there, in the red dress. Poor girl.
After I returned to Rivendell to inform the elves of our triumph, they handed me a bunch of nifty items, namely a cloak, a picture for my house, some armor I can't use, and a fairly decent ring.
Oh, and this:

A white horse. Anyone who knows anything about me and about how I play lotro knows that I am obsessed with two things: clothes and horses. Everytime I get a new horse I am ecstatic and take lots of pictures of it to show it off. This horse I named
Bainrhi, which is elvish for "beautiful crown," because I consider this horse to be the symbol of the crown of my achievements in the game thus far. You can also see my new dress, but I didn't get that from the quest, I got that from the lovely beer-filled dwarves of Thorin's Hall. I handed them enough goblin heads and they were happy to give me a dress to say thanks.
Welp, I'm off, back into the game, to see what other wonders I can discover!
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