But it wasn't all bravery and heroics. We also spent a good portion of the night running in terror from wargs and Angmarim baddies twice our size. Now that we have the set though, the choice ahead of us is whether to continue in Angmar for a bit or go ahead and move south to Eregion in preparation for acquiring our first legendary weapons.
Oh hai. Here is my clawz. Do you likez tehm?

Ooh! Also take a gander at our shiny new staffs! (staves?) Sis says they look like giant wooden lollipops, but I think they are cool. Better than the plain wooden sticks we had before.
Finally, we decided to move on, and frankly I was getting a bit tired from all that dancing. Sis also discovered the /mood emotes, which change the character's facial expressions. I love the /moods and use them frequently for no apparent reason.
This pic doesn't really showcase how outlandish and strange the expressions can be sometimes, but I saw this pic and thought it was hilarious.

In the end, we completed all of Crannog's silly chores, and got our final piece of Fem armor. I was greatly dissapointed to find that the Light set (which we as Lore-masters are forced to wear) doesn't look quite as impressive as the Medium or Heavy sets - of which, sadly, I do not have pictures. I do have pictures of the Light Fem set, which Squid was ecstatic to learn made a wonderful glowy whoosh whenever she put it on. I guess the robe isn't that bad. I'm just tired of robes. I miss having at least a nice thick leather breastplate and some leather greaves. Instead, I get coats and dresses. Why? Cause I'm a Lore-master, and we are too.... something, I'm not sure.... for medium armor. Boo.
Also, in completely unrelatedness, I realized today that lotro sometimes does mirror real life. Squid is taller than me. Only barely, but still.
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