One of my favorite things about playing LotRO has to be the environment. Sometimes I will get bogged down in a location and become too focused on the quest at hand to really stop and pay attention to my surroundings, but today I took my minstrel, Sioned, out to Northern Bree to finish up some quests she forgot to do before. She kind of ran through Bree in a hurry because I mainly played her during LotRO's kinship contest last year, and as I was trying to level her up as quickly as possible I didn't stay too long in any one area. Minstrels are always in short supply, especially good minstrels at a high enough level to actually be useful to a good percentage of the other players, so it probably wouldn't hurt to level her up a bit. Which I did today. Twice. She's now at the glorious height of 39. All that to say that the mobs in Bree are now no challenge at all. Which gives me the freedom to stop, take a look about, and enjoy the fields and hills.

I really do love this area - even if the quests are a bit spread out and it can take forever and a day just to get to where you need to go - the weather for one thing is always gorgeous - even when it's overcast and raining I love it.
I also celebrated my quick stop in the Hengstacer farms (that's the horsefields for all you noobs) with a game sis and I invented: Pony Jumping. Now normally this epic sport has to be done on foot, but since I was feeling especially festive, I decided to attempt it, rather eval kineval style, on my horse, Aggregate. Don't ask about the horse's name. I don't know.
Anyways, that was fun. Jumping over the ponies always is, whether on foot or horseback. The ponies don't mind either. At least, I don't think they mind. They never make any noise or run away or anything. Sometimes they just swish their tails. Hrm....

Lately with my characters I've been dabbling in the role-playing aspect of the game, something completely optional of course, but it does give the game a little more variety as I get to add a personality to each of my characters. Kind of like acting. So I decided to make Sioned a bit unpredictable and crazy, because I usually have to be in a crazy mood to play her. I don't really like minstrel that much. Which is also why I do things like stopping and admiring the scenery, or jumping over horses, cause I have to do
something. But I ramble, it's late, I'm feeling a bit tired... and I think it's starting to show.... so I'm off to bed and then who knows what will happen the next time I find myself in Middle-earth.
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